Thursday, September 4, 2008

Day two, Beijng, Ni HUn Nyo!

Hello out there!
Beijing is a beautiful city with a busting art scene nice people, cheep everything, much transportation, and vry old cultural centers Like The Forbidden City.

The airport was too clean but I was put at ease when we hit the more urban center, lots of bikes and scary driving. We eat well and its customary to try and eat too much. Whre we stay is at the temple hotel is close to the people it feels like, we walk through their lives every day.

I dont have much technology to get pictures onto this page but that's nevr been my thing any way but don't worry I'll be binging you'all the narartive in my own special way. I'kicking much ass in the Journal I bound in the States and making babysteps towards my 3-D portable suit case journal, getting some sewing done and finding stuff in the streets.

798 or ChiJioBa was an ispiring space, artists space and direct retail for their work. I was really drawn in to work BY a printmaker maybe called Kang JinFei. Woodcuts mostly, he also pulled off a some installation with the printing blocks that I will be taking inspiration from.

CAFA or The Central Academy of Fine Arts seemeda great school, The Printmaking space was inpresive and sulpture studio open and spacious, I would go to school there. We were treated like rockstars.

Hi, I gotta go find some found object and draw.

Zai Jian!

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