Saturday, September 13, 2008

ShanDong ARt intensive, BUT I'M ALIVE!

Just want to tell the world about my new favorite artist: Du DaKai, he's a traditional Chinese painter with work up at Shan Dong Universtity of art and design, he's the MAN! His work is very basic, but busting with information, plenty abstract and executed on traditional tools like ink wash and asian paper, his work is what I try to accomplish when I try to do art outside of printmaking and sculpture. Especially on the move in China I'm trying to get use to their materials (asian paper, ink wash and water, VERY MOBILE).
So I've strated some personal work in the local medium, which has started twice actually. There is a big unfinished structure on the ShanDong campus that is very dangerous to climb but a the top is an excelent view of the landscape surrounding the campus, which is like no other I've seen. At the first attempt to gain accsess to the top of this structure, I dropped all my asian paper twenty feet down in the muck while navigating a treturous corner and stay alive, I alos dropped the first attempt at My landscape ink washes. Luckily The basement store had more paper, which was fortunate because most of the school is closed for Mid Autemn Festival. So I found more paper, and on the second attempt to get to the top of said structure, I started ink wash drawings over and I 'm back on track, stay tuned.

ps 3D suitcase journal was given life today when my Partner and I finished shooting a stop animation with the contents of my experience here in China, Yin Xiujin EAT YOUR HEART OUT!

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