Wednesday, September 10, 2008

On Asignment at the Temple of Heaven, Beijing

Ni Hoa!
Six days have elapsed since last writing in here, but believe you me I've been a good journalist, in my very special way ofcourse. Here are some on asignment photos at the Temple of Heaven, Beijing; the ancient sight where the Ming Emperors came to communicate with heaven and God. As usual the temples are a compound of relic culture and masive achievment, here are two large temples, one circle(for communion with god, in Chinese culture the circle is heavenly and the square terrestrial), one square. In the photos above, you can see yours truley making sketches in my hand made sketch book and meditating about what it would mean to hold discourse with god like the Emperors of old China. If a higher power were to be listening (or leaning over my shoulder and looking in on sketch book) it would hear from me a plea for time and patience for our kind as I feel our kind have strayed from the rhythm. Also an opportunity to make a small sacrifice came to me( The emperors of old made many sacrifices at this Sight), in the form of a pair of older ladies as they aproached me for their picture to be taken with my polaroid. My first reaction was to walk away since my polaroid film is expensive a slim pickings but soon it hit me that it was my asignment to make a sacrfice while here at the Temple of Heaven so I shot the couple o' older chinese ladies and gave them the polaroid. I must have made their year! People don't seem to have easy access to pictures here and I'm sure the pair of ladies apreciated it.

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