Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Thirty Towers of the Great Wall

Before we left Beautiful Beijing, We hiked thirty towers of the Great Wall. Wow! an impresive piece of stone winding up and down the highest and lowest chunks of mountain. I made many sketches, I was very happy with. One of the Funnest things to do on the Great Wall is to ditch the old ladies who walk the wall everyday to make a living off the tourists. As you walk the wall, you will be aproached by all sorts of people making their living uop there, one kind is the spontaneous tour guide who will adopt you as their leage. These ladies walk the wall everyday and are very strong and nimble up on the wall and if you're looking for a little entertainment and a chalenge, you can try to lose them by out walking them, they ARE persistent! I managed to loose one such tour guide and break a fine sweat doing so, the pay off is some time alone to take in the Chinese mountain geography and impressive stacks of ancient brick. Oh, Yeah, the zip line is only scary until you get passed the rocks and over the water.

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